
Sunday, August 21, 2011

"love is friendship"


entry kali nak kongsi ngan korang sal love and friendship.. ni sume sebab tadi aq tengok cite hindustan ngan roomate aq la....
oke,, love and friendship...but before that,, love in this entry is not is sayang.. korang pernah tak ada best friend lelaki? kalau ada pernah tak korang suddenly tersuka or terjatuh cinta ngan diorang? wow !! haha...maybe some of you will say "it's nonsense "... n maybe some will said, "yes i did...but.... hmm"... what does 'hmm' means???

erk.. bila salah sorang daripada best friend nie suddenly fell in love on each other...and korang taw he or she love someone else which he might think that the third person are special for him,, then what will you do...?? 
buzz ...

1. salah sorang dari best friend tu should just ignore the "weird" korang takkan rasa terasing when korang berdepan dengan best friend korang.

2. think of your friendship with him or her... before you think about your feeling.. ni akan wat korang rasa lebih yakin tuk lupa kan feeling korang tu .. "i guess"

3. think positive... think that you will meet someone better than him..even you know that you still love him...

4. kalau betul korang sayang best friend korang...make him happy...even you were broken heart...just show that you will always support matter what...

5. always care for him... like your little brother... heee.... jadi korang akan anggap dia macam sibling korang..i think...
>> yg tu jer blurr right now =)

oke...sume yang diatas ni aq pown xtaw la pe yang aq merapu...maybe sebab aq feeling tengok cite hindustan tadi !! hindustani mood ... n xde kene mengena dengan sesape yer =)

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